Erasmus+ evaluation of the project
The project is to be considered as a best practice with a score of 92 out of 100 points.

Quotes from the Erasmus+ evaluation:
Relevance: The project has been very relevant in terms of focusing on fewer work accidents seen from a European perspective.
Management: It is clear that project management has been a focus area. This permeates the results as well as the impression of a project that has been diverse, but with a clear focus on results.
Outcome: The project produces materials, documents and/or media are made freely available and promoted through open licences. The prepared material appears to be of high quality and can be used free of charge by interested partners in the future.
Website: The website itself, with the published results is of a high quality.. Each sub-area on the results page has involved users who have helped to qualify usability.
Overall, the project is a clear example of a very specific problem that has been dealt with using hands-on methods.
It's a project that really should be shared far and wide.
For more information please download the final report and the Erasmus+ Evaluation and Score below.

Cecilie Høegh Langvad
Telefon +45 61 94 30 26