Conference in Aarhus Denmark | April 2022
Partners in the project Safe Transfer Techniques participated in workshops for at couple of days in Aarhus Denmark.

The partners in Safe Transfer Techniques met in Aarhus for 2 days to get inspiration from each other, exchange experience, network and practice safe transfer techniques in workshops in an informal and relaxed atmosphere with lots of energy and laughing.
There were representives from Croatia, Spain, Sweden and Denmark. The first day took place at the Center of Education in Assisted Living Technology (Undervisningscenter for Velfærdsteknologi). The second day was held at VIA University College.
The Swedes allready work with Polyglide positioning people in bed, but they learned some new tricks using the material to dress at person. The Swedes find it challenging teaching the caregivers how to use the material because polyglide itself does not give any hints how to use it. You simply have to learn. In the picture the partners from the City of Västerås: Susanne, Jessica and Linn.
The partners were all enthusiastic about lifting a fallen person with Raizer. Videos were made and everyone wanted to try the technology either as the one lifting or the one being lifted. Every public nursing home in Aarhus has one; in some European countries only the private sector can afford technologies like this.
The Spanish partners from the university UCAM: Paqui, Lucia and Eloina. They all teach and are eager to share transfer techniques in their home country where up to 80 procent of the caregivers get injured from handeling people.
Partner Maria from Cypres being turned in bed with a 4wayGlide using the ceiling lift, feeling secure and getting comfort from a positioning tube.
The Croation team using the yellow sling; Slavica and Mateja. In the middle Danish instructor Lisbeth. On the floor Danish instructor Anja.
Mateja from Croatia was fascinated by the way Dorte uses polyglide to put socks on.
In general the partners found the workshops very inspirational. The whole day at the Education Center was well planned, they pointede out, and provided the partners with useful knowledge. Everyone had a lot of fun practicing new techniques and getting to know each other. In the picture Danish partner Bodil from VIA and Danish student Elanur.